Week 3: The Mid-Week

Fugu is so cute! What is a fugu? Fugu ( 河豚 , 鰒 , フグ ? ) is the Japanese word for pufferfish and is also a Japanese dish prepared from the meat of pufferfish (normally species of genus Takifugu , Lagocephalus , or Sphoeroides ) or porcupinefish of the genus Diodon . Because fugu is lethally poisonous if prepared incorrectly, fugu has become one of the most celebrated and notorious dishes in Japanese cuisine . (Wikipedia). hahahaha Sorry, that is so random. Mid-week is pretty much moody, stressful and so un-focussed. I had my sho-tesuto today and I did not read through the composition so I forgot a few Kanji. ARGH!!! But it's OK. I will do better next time! I need to give myself a break. Anyway, I posted a song by Human Nature and this instantly reminds me of how much I used to love Human Nature. Maybe it is the only Australian pop band that I like. My sis used to like Silverchair, it's more of a rocker type thing. LOL I remember the most melancholic but one of my favourites ...