Week 2: Shopping LOL

The above picture is me in an H&M dress.
Shoes that I wore: Vanity Beauty.
Belt: Bought in 1010.
This is our group:

One guy is absolutely hilarious. He literally needs to tune up his voice with his I-phone E.V.E.R.Y. SINGLE T.I.M.E hahahahaha
One time we had a rehearsal and his mom came to visit him to Japan along with the rest of his family and she said "My son can sing?". Really, if my mom were to doubt me, I'd be crushed. hahaha

I was originally going to be a police officer with thick red lips and sexy handcuffs.. UNFORTUNATELY, Daiso (like 100 yen shop) in Inage (the place where I used to live- that is where the Chiba International Dormitory is located) doesn't have the police uniform so I have to resort to the fake WIG.
When I came in people were like 'OMG, MELLISSA, YOU ARE MORTICIA FROM ADAM'S FAMILY" and I'm like "That's not WHO I HAVE IN MIND. I'm just supposed to be oldddd". hahaha watever...
Okay, so I did so many shopping this week I can't believe myself. I have to blame SHIBUYA!!!
I bought all this in the Shibuya 109!!!! I love that malls.
As you all know, you can get to Shibuya with JR Yamanote Line (the loop train- you can just ride on it and it circles forever to all the major train stations in Tokyo such as Harajuku, Shinagawa, Shibuya, Ikebukuro, Ueno, Nippori etc etc etc)
To get to Shibuya 109, you have to use the Hachiko Exit where you will see the Dog statue, famous because it waits for his (never returned) master for 11 years till it died. :D Sad story but it's supposed to be a punch for us humans who are not that faithful to our loved ones :P
Okay, these are the things that I bought:
SHOPPING PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Cute Bow hair tie and cute bow hair clip.
3. Long, black, jewelled belt with 2 hooks on each ends.
I said to the Tenin (shop keeper) that I am willing to wait for 2-3 weeks if they can order it for me. But then they said they will not order anymore and it's the last one in the whole shop. (I know all the business tricks and stuff... but I guess this time they were honest.)
I mean, I really love that bag, love at first sight. But it's not worth it you know, the condition of the bag and the price that I have to pay, I want it to be perfect and flawless and no dent, stain or scratch..... hehehe I know I'm fussy.
AND SO..............................................................................
If you can accessorise to make things look better for a cheaper price, why NOT!!
Don't settle JUST FOR PRICE you know. :D :D
Okay, so that's it in Shibuya.
Next, is shopping for Make Up....
Story: When I was in my Japanese class, the aunties ... haha.. not aunties but the 2 married women in my class were having conversations about cosmetics.
As a major fan of moisturiser, I have to join in their conversation and make contributions!! haha Sharing is a part of a girl's life you know... yea.. gossiping too (psst.. guys do it too!! haha)
Anyway, I heard some stuff about DHC and also Dr. Ce La Bo (? hahahaha i was thinking of placebo and placenta, whatever, it doesn't make sense... my brain that is.)
So, after providing them about my own experience of moisturiser which I bought, I found my way to Kinshichou (a station after Ryougoku) which is a major hub town centre, not as big as Akihabara or Chiba or Tokyo or SHibuya etc... but it is pretty nice to see all the major department stores there (they even have starbucks yeayyy)...
I set out to this Mall next to the train station called Livin.
On the 6th floor, they have the 100 Yen shop, despite what they advertised not everything is 100 yen (i know..BS), BUT THEY HAve cosmetic brands there like Maybelline, Revlon all the department store brands even canmake.. etc and.. yea.. you guessed it... they have DHC!!!!!!!!!!
So here are the things that I bought:
Middle: Maybelline Volume Express Hypercurl (Easy Wash in Black).
I tried this mascara last night when I was just dead bored and not wanting to do any HWK.
Because I have straight, not-thick Asian freakin eyelashes, I need to curl my lashes first with my curler (therefore, the Mascara is helpless even though it says it will curl eyelashes after you apply it).
After using the curler, I applied one layer, it dries up so quickly, and when I apply the 2nd layer I feel that it's so sleek, soft but as I said it dries quickly it tends to clump a bit. But I am quite happy. It doesn't feel heavy at all!
The reason why I did not buy the Waterproof one is because my eyelashes fall off easily. (I heard great reviews about the waterproof one).
And I hate rubbing off my eyes for waterproof make-up even though they hold your lashes/make-up well especially if you sweat or you have an oily skin.
The tube is rather large and short, very chubby if you may say so.
But with the pretty chromatic pink circle that wraps the upper top of the tube's mouth it's really girly and feminine.
The brush is really thick and not suitable for my short eyelashes near the corner of my eyes.
I also have read from one blog that she gets clumps and needs to brush it out.
But I think it is because (AGAIN!) it dries quickly.
Well, in the end this is my 1st mascara ever since Anna Sui Mascara that I used to own in Sydney. I love Anna Sui mascaras because they smell nice like rose. Not like those chemical smells that leave you feeling dizzy.
Okay, I think I will give this Mascara about 7 (because I have short eyelashes, it dries too fast, the brush is too thick).
Lovin it because it's a pretty design, it does not weigh your lashes down, soft and silky and does hold your lashes AND, easy to remove. heheheeeeeee (just the way I want).
Right: Kose - Moisture Mild
I like this moisturiser because for one and only sole reason, NOT OILY and feels like a moisturiser without feeling too watery.
One word: GREAT.
Now all I need is eye cream I am AGING.. FAST and I am not even 24 yet. LOL
I tried this product and it does not leave my skin dry, chapped or peeled off. I really recommend people using this after you wash your face using your regular face wash.
Only use this 1-2x/week.
I just get the impression if you use scrub too much, your face will produce more oil.
I mean, scrub is there to SCRUB off dead skin cells.
One more important information, if you have severe pimples I do not really recommend using scrub. It may irritate your pimples more and cause them to flare.
And it says "silk pro-design". Anything with silk and hair, I WANT. lolllll
Because I am always attracted to things with those words in it.
The 1st time I tried it, I squeezed too much out of the tube and just slathered them to my hair and yea... too much of anything is never good.
But hey, with the right amount, actually it left my hair straight and not frizzy. Especially at the ends.
It does not have any smell to it.
I would prefer if it has, but I usually spray my perfume to my hair anyway.
So enough about shopping!!
This week there is nothing much that's been going on in school. Except for the grueling homeworks, the all spontaneous answering and creating grammar sentences on the spot!
What I like about the Naganuma School is that we have this Laboratory where we need to practice our intonations.
It is so funny speaking to the computer and listen to the recorded voice and repeating and analysing the mistakes.
In this way, you will improve your intonations.
Western people tend to use power/strengths/stresses in their speech. Chinese people have a hard time saying the du (tzu), everything with ten-ten.
But Japanese people tend to use the high and lows in their voice to distinguish the particles, endings etc.
I myself have big problems with combining "n" and 'ya/yo/ye" so if I need to say the word "Honya (book store)" I will say it like "Hon nya". hahahaha
Apart from that, from every Friday, I will attend the Naganuma circle where it is about Japanese and International cultures.
They say that we will take turns and teach the class something from our cultures.
Since I have 2 cultures embedded in me, I just need to choose either Indonesian or Australian. hahahahahahhaha
I feel grateful to be born in Indonesia and lived there for 11 years and grew up in Sydney for the next 11 years and I don't know where else will I stay. LOL
So, that is all the update I have for Week 2!!! hehe Looking forward to Week 3.