25th Dec: Christmas Dinner, Church and 3 Mos of Us
God bless YOU!!
Wow, can you believe that it's Christmas already? I went to Church from 2 pm - 5.30 pm for our Christmas Celebration to remind us again what is the meaning of Christmas.
We had a guest speaker, his name is Hiroshi Sakakibara and He talked about "Holy Child" which is Jesus Christ.
As a believer, I believe Christmas is to remind us that it is all about Jesus Christ, born into this world to wash away our sins. We should have died and just burned away in Hell because of our sins but redeemed by His blood on the Holy cross.
We originally were created as creations that are Holy, but because Adam and Eve fell into sin (death) we have to suffer (experience death).
I know Christmas for those who are non-believers mean dinner, exchange gifts and Christmas tree.
But believe me, I also DID all that but not many people know the meaning of Christmas.
A person who lives under the same house, apparently know the meaning of this but it is because he said to me "I am Anti-Christian". And yes, because he knew about me as a person who believes in Jesus, he never talks to me anymore and even do not want to meet eyes with me.
I do not know what kind of grudge he has but we, who believe must forgive with all your heart.
Why? Because he does not know how it feels and yes, there are many Christians out there who do not show what it is to be a believer. A believer in Christ must have Love, Faith and Hope.
Anyways, I did not stay for the whole caroling and dine together with my fellow mates and instead, stormed off my way back to Oakhouse!
Now, enough about that. Let's move on to the dining, eating etc!!! :D

Well, we have planned this Christmas party since around 2-3 weeks ago!
We all had to make or bring something! And I made Spicy Fried Diced Chicken with Lemon Sauce. YUMMY!
It is really easy to make and it did not require a lot of time.
I prepared mine since morning such as marinating the chicken and left it wrapped with plastic until I came back from church.
The lemon sauce was easy to make it only took me just 20 minutes. The frying takes more time, I used margarine to fry so it is tastier!
Now, let's see what other people made! YEAH!!
This raw beef (I am sure there is a technical name for it), is made by Fugu Chan. He asked me to buy 2 KG of beef at Niku no Hanamasa for the price of 1500 Yen or Rupiah 150 000. Not bad ey? It was good! To be honest, i think it is kind of hard to chew hahahahahaha I mean, of course, raw beef. But the sauce was superb. You dip the meat into the sauce along with the onion.
He said that he used to make this for Christmas dinners in Canada. So there you go!
This, is Chijimi or Korean Pancake made by our Chef!
When I see this, it looks like a total easy thing to make. I mean, I think Korean and Japanese food are a lot easier to make than Indonesian food.
I know because I am Indonesian (read my profile yet? hehhehehe) and we use a lot more herbs and therefore hard to identify what kind of ingredients once you eat.
Just like Indian cuisines, they are complicated!
But I guess that's why I envy Korean and Japanese food, they are so popular because they are easy to make!!!!
This Chijimi is also dipped in the tangy sauce.
Oops, the sachets down there are my chili sauce HAHAHA.
They're my favourite chili sauce, you can mix anything with that chili sauce especially Kewpie Mayonnaise!
This is made by Park-san. Since she is Korean she made Sangeta? Geeze, I don't know how to spell! So if you know how to spell it, tell me! She made this with 2 chickens and I think this is healthy, the chicken is so tender and I love the wings and the neck the most from chickens LOL.
Fugu told me "Yeah you love the neck cos it's the fattiest"... urgh, he can really remark lots of sentences correctly and painfully :p. hahahaha
Anyways, I love this food. I think it's awesome too, oh gosh, I'm drooling.
Oh, she said she did not sprinkle any salt at all so if it is tasty it is from the chicken broth.
We have to add the salt ourselves into our bowls.
Oh and Yaya-kun made these cocktails! I told him to make Fruit Punch Bowl, but being a creative person as he is, decided to read Cocktail recipes from the Internet and made his own version for each one of us.
I am the only one who had non-alcoholic drink for the night.
But I am still grateful! hehe I am happy!!!!!
Last but not least is our Christmas Cake made by Fumie-san!!!
Here GOES.
Can you see the Santa Claus in the middle? hahaha This cake is awesome!
The sponge cake is actually squeezed in the middle with 2 compacted Chocolate layers and inside the layers are creams filled with chopped Banana and finely chopped strawberries.
If you think "Death by Chocolate" is the ultimate think again!
This is the true "Death by Chocolate AND Strawberries". SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we exchanged gifts!
As you can see from the picture,
I got more food.
I got Chocolate Doughnuts (more chocolate!! Oh sexy high time coming up)! hahaha
And also MORE CHOCOLATE bites!
I bought some bubble baths products all for under 500 Yen in Kinshichou's Olinas.
Some people got apple and face scrub, pendant, storage box, a box of candies. It was an awesome time! I appreciate everyone's efforts we DID IT.
Now... I want to show you 2 pictures of my Christmas Tree, inside my room. I turned off the lights and it just looks pretty.
Fugu bought and decorated it for me. I am extremely happy. He even packed it away on the 26th Morning when I went to Church.
He is awesome.
And one more thing, it was our 3rd month together. Nothing special. I only gave him a card, something handmade LOL Kinda funny though lol
But he bought me these stuff.
I LOVE Teddy bears and especially Rirakkuma!!!!!!!!! He prepared this like a week in advance and was hiding it from me with the Chef LOL That brown teddy is so HUGGABLE.
I absolutely love teddy bears and the pearly-pink-hand-made teddy bear chain (phone strap) is another gift from Fugu and he goes "you need more colours in your life so I bought you the pink teddy bear"
And lastly, that bear actually has a zipper behind it and I felt a box is stuffed inside.
And it turned out to be an antique watch and I love it.
I love anything that is antique, unique and this has to be one of it. He said that he looked at it and caught his attention cos it's different. And I wear it everyday but don't worry Mom, I still wear the watch we bought in Kyoto! I love that purple watch too because it is bigger LOL.
I felt bad that I did not give anything to him but then at that time he said "But you know, it is fair enough, i gave you presents with no card but you gave me card."
So I guess even though we are 180 degrees different like North and South Pole, I guess we actually complete each other in a sense that no one can understand. LOL
So this Christmas has been an amazing event. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you all have an amazing time and that you are not alone, especially when you read this I hope the warmth that I had is being transferred into your heart.
God bless.
God bless YOU!!
We had a guest speaker, his name is Hiroshi Sakakibara and He talked about "Holy Child" which is Jesus Christ.
As a believer, I believe Christmas is to remind us that it is all about Jesus Christ, born into this world to wash away our sins. We should have died and just burned away in Hell because of our sins but redeemed by His blood on the Holy cross.
We originally were created as creations that are Holy, but because Adam and Eve fell into sin (death) we have to suffer (experience death).
I know Christmas for those who are non-believers mean dinner, exchange gifts and Christmas tree.
But believe me, I also DID all that but not many people know the meaning of Christmas.
A person who lives under the same house, apparently know the meaning of this but it is because he said to me "I am Anti-Christian". And yes, because he knew about me as a person who believes in Jesus, he never talks to me anymore and even do not want to meet eyes with me.
I do not know what kind of grudge he has but we, who believe must forgive with all your heart.
Why? Because he does not know how it feels and yes, there are many Christians out there who do not show what it is to be a believer. A believer in Christ must have Love, Faith and Hope.
Anyways, I did not stay for the whole caroling and dine together with my fellow mates and instead, stormed off my way back to Oakhouse!
Now, enough about that. Let's move on to the dining, eating etc!!! :D
Well, we have planned this Christmas party since around 2-3 weeks ago!
We all had to make or bring something! And I made Spicy Fried Diced Chicken with Lemon Sauce. YUMMY!
It is really easy to make and it did not require a lot of time.
I prepared mine since morning such as marinating the chicken and left it wrapped with plastic until I came back from church.
The lemon sauce was easy to make it only took me just 20 minutes. The frying takes more time, I used margarine to fry so it is tastier!
Now, let's see what other people made! YEAH!!
He said that he used to make this for Christmas dinners in Canada. So there you go!
When I see this, it looks like a total easy thing to make. I mean, I think Korean and Japanese food are a lot easier to make than Indonesian food.
I know because I am Indonesian (read my profile yet? hehhehehe) and we use a lot more herbs and therefore hard to identify what kind of ingredients once you eat.
Just like Indian cuisines, they are complicated!
But I guess that's why I envy Korean and Japanese food, they are so popular because they are easy to make!!!!
This Chijimi is also dipped in the tangy sauce.
Oops, the sachets down there are my chili sauce HAHAHA.
They're my favourite chili sauce, you can mix anything with that chili sauce especially Kewpie Mayonnaise!
Fugu told me "Yeah you love the neck cos it's the fattiest"... urgh, he can really remark lots of sentences correctly and painfully :p. hahahaha
Anyways, I love this food. I think it's awesome too, oh gosh, I'm drooling.
Oh, she said she did not sprinkle any salt at all so if it is tasty it is from the chicken broth.
We have to add the salt ourselves into our bowls.
I am the only one who had non-alcoholic drink for the night.
But I am still grateful! hehe I am happy!!!!!
Last but not least is our Christmas Cake made by Fumie-san!!!
Here GOES.
The sponge cake is actually squeezed in the middle with 2 compacted Chocolate layers and inside the layers are creams filled with chopped Banana and finely chopped strawberries.
If you think "Death by Chocolate" is the ultimate think again!
This is the true "Death by Chocolate AND Strawberries". SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we exchanged gifts!
As you can see from the picture,
I got Chocolate Doughnuts (more chocolate!! Oh sexy high time coming up)! hahaha
And also MORE CHOCOLATE bites!
I bought some bubble baths products all for under 500 Yen in Kinshichou's Olinas.
Some people got apple and face scrub, pendant, storage box, a box of candies. It was an awesome time! I appreciate everyone's efforts we DID IT.
Now... I want to show you 2 pictures of my Christmas Tree, inside my room. I turned off the lights and it just looks pretty.
He is awesome.
And one more thing, it was our 3rd month together. Nothing special. I only gave him a card, something handmade LOL Kinda funny though lol
But he bought me these stuff.
I absolutely love teddy bears and the pearly-pink-hand-made teddy bear chain (phone strap) is another gift from Fugu and he goes "you need more colours in your life so I bought you the pink teddy bear"
And lastly, that bear actually has a zipper behind it and I felt a box is stuffed inside.
And it turned out to be an antique watch and I love it.
I love anything that is antique, unique and this has to be one of it. He said that he looked at it and caught his attention cos it's different. And I wear it everyday but don't worry Mom, I still wear the watch we bought in Kyoto! I love that purple watch too because it is bigger LOL.
I felt bad that I did not give anything to him but then at that time he said "But you know, it is fair enough, i gave you presents with no card but you gave me card."
So I guess even though we are 180 degrees different like North and South Pole, I guess we actually complete each other in a sense that no one can understand. LOL
So this Christmas has been an amazing event. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you all have an amazing time and that you are not alone, especially when you read this I hope the warmth that I had is being transferred into your heart.
God bless.