My 4th last week in Chiba University

Anyway, this is my 4th last week in Chiba University.
I am very sad when I think of spending my last few weeks here, the place where I fell in and out of love with people, the friendships I've made with countless numbers of people whom I treasure, the people I've found annoying to the bone but still grew some love for them in friendship and even the very open-minded Sensei who loves listening to my screwed-up Japanese for 2 hours every week and share a lot of love, family, career stories.
I truly met amazing people.
But the journey has yet to end.
I learn a lot and arriving in Japan with knowing little vocabularies and no Japanese friends (yeah, blame my gym regime for taking over most of my time hahaha i love gym too much in Sydney :P), I surely made it alright not due to my own strength but because of prayers FROM family and friends who put their tremendous faith in God that is by relying on God.
Counting down the days surely not making anything any easier, the more I know the day I am leaving, the bigger the cut I can sense in my heart.
I don't want to part from them, yes, the same feeling when I left Sydney.
I had to leave my beloved friends, the goodbyes, the hugs that maybe now I can claim back when I return hehehehehehe :P
Well... I do have plans, but, I do not dare to write it here.
I may as well shame myself like I did in Popoki (this amazing small food shop near our uni where I talked too much).
No matter where God places me, I will be happy to go along because He is the one who placed me first in Japan, this country full of breath-taking sightseeing spots and nonetheless, the ridiculously tongue tingling foods. Yummm... im hungry now LOL
I have left out this blog almost throughout my exchange. But, I know I will write lots of things here since I've been nurturing it for the last 2 years.
Okay, I want to eat in Gajalu today. LOL hahahahahahahaha
Sumo wrestling competition tomorrow, no, not me... but the National Competition. hehehe
See you.
Love ya Papa J.
cheers from Mellon.