Piling Up Days
I miss everyone in Chiba University.
Anyway, the end of the week is already here and I am sure we are all tired.
Unlike in Australia, Japan is a country where people constantly work 24/7, NOT literally 24/7 but maybe 16/7. hahaha
Most companies still require their employees to come in during the weekends but I believe it is unhealthy.
Around yesterday, I was standing near the exit door beside a really SLEEPY MAN.
I mean, he was sleeping - standing and I can guarantee you if the train door kept closed, I am sure he would've fallen to the ground and just snored away. lol
If I have a company, I would give appropriate treatments to my subordinates, making sure they work in their most optimum conditions.
LACK of SLEEP = Moody, Stressful, Lacking Team Effort, Introvert and trigger many health issues.
Apart from that, I should watch my own health!!!
I have announcements to make!
1. I am going to start my GYM Regime again! YEAY!! And I will be making video blog about my weight loss once per week on Youtube.
2. I just applied for work permission today in the school for shuushoku seikatsu! (Finding employment!). I have gunned myself with certificates from 2 prestigious universities (University of Sydney and Chiba University), better try than do nothing right?
3. Going to do Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken N2 this upcoming December!
More exciting stuff is this weekend! I am going to watch a Theatrical play (演劇)called Monro.
On Saturday at 5 pm in Shinjuku with Mr.Fugu!
I am looking forward to that!!
Apart from that, Tokyo is getting really cold, it was 11 Degrees Celcius and people have been wearing scarves and long jackets.
Oh yes, Japanese women wear a lot of boots but the other day I saw a short program on how Wearing Boots for too long leads to Swollen feet because boot soles are flat and the space for the calves is inadequate for the calves to move.
Especially if you sit and work in the Office for 5 hours with occasional walks to the toilets, your ankles can swell up to 2-3 cm in addition to your normal ankle measurements.
So how do you solve this?
According to the program, you have to massage your feet, ankles, and to make circles with your ankles and it will return to its original state.
WOW! I don't have boots, I guess I will never have this problem. LOL
Japanese women' shoes size is much too small for me. Only 22.5-24.5 cm. And I usually go for 25.5 to 26 cm!
This is why I have to go to International brands like H&M, Zara etc.
But, I was lurking around in 0101 Department Store in Kinshichou the other day and I saw a boutique for larger feet!
Maybe I should try going there.
Anyways, since the past 3 days have been really nice!! I am going to do my 2nd round of laundry and plan my study for my upcoming Exam.
Yeah, I succumbed to my friend's request to do the exam on Monday.
So plenty of time for me to study!
Love y'all God bless