Week 5: 3-4 May 2010 Church Youth Camp (Last Week)

Please forgive me for the really late update on my blog here!! I just finished my part-test today in my Language school and it really caused me huge headache.

This time, I dedicate my blog for what occurred last week!

On the 3rd-4th of May 2010, my church the Gereja Interdominisili Injili Indonesia Tokyo went to Atami Himenosawa Shizen no Ie for church camp.

This is my first time participating in a camp in Japan, I've been to several youth camps in Sydney, of course, I've lived there half of my life. :D

We went to the site by bus, and I picked the smaller one because it is quieter so I can sleep.
People who know me well definitely agree that I need sleep.
I was the registration committee and practically handled everything on my own, lack of sleep, and continuous calls and taking care of the registrations, it is such a treacherous work!

If it wasn't for God's help I think I would have fallen sick and unable to get up everyday till camp day.
For example:
Some people called me like at 1 am in the morning, some called me like 4-5 times per day, some called me at 7 am in the morning because they have work at 8 am so there's no other time to contact me and yea, not everyone has facebook.
The continuous, never-ending updating and, in addition to that I also took care of the payment for 90+ participants all by myself (some people helped but mostly me... ) *phew*

I am not complaining, but I would just like to share my experience.
However, I am so glad I was given the responsibility and to be honest, I like taking responsibilities.
You know more about yourself and how to handle situations and know which people you can rely on.

On top of that, I was chosen as one of the 2 singers with my friend Uno. She helped me a lot, so thank you Uno :D

Below is the picture of me and my friends in the bus. Heheheheee
Yea, I got punched on the face .. me just like rough rough LOL

Above is me and Uno and our Worship Leader, Maknyus (not real name) for our second session (2nd day).

And this is everyone in the youth camp 2010.
I am so glad that everything went well, the camp site is beautiful too. It overlooks a mountain, hill, steep slopes, it feels as if we really take things for granted you know, and by going to the camp, you feel that you are refreshed and just have to be grateful for everything that you have experienced and have in this life.

I am definitely changed during this camp, I renewed my commitment to God and since then stick through it till today (and it's almost 1.5 weeks, YEEHAA).

Talking about temptations? It is EVERYWHERE.
BUT, you have to have self-control, self-disciplined and motivation to want to change!

You can not and EVER let your old self return!!
I never regret one single thing that happened, many hurtful stuff and depression, but you know what, I have God and a great positive family!!!
Everyone is just so POSITIVE and I love it!!!!

PS: actually during the camp, I was a bit sick, my left ear went deaf because I had a blocked nose on my left nostril, thanks God everything went well. PRAISE THE LORD always.

So, I leave this one last picture for you all to enjoy. hehehehe


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