Korean BBQ In Oakhouse Ryogoku!
On Saturday the 20th, we had a KOREAN BBQ Party!!!!

Damn Awesome! The master chef,
Choi-san (Left) from Korea is so nice he bought all these awesome awesome Korean meat, and made 2 types of soup for us here the residents of Oakhouse Ryogoku!
We had all the salad lined up, the soy-paste, the yummiest slices of grilled beef, the super mouth-salivating soup and rice, it was just never ending party!
I told him that we should have this once per month but he said that the next time we have one it will be me (Indonesian food).
Geeze, making traditional food is NEVER easy.
Oh, before we started I made a starter it was Fried Chicken Mayonnaise. Everyone LOVED IT.
Here is the picture! (above!).
Then, I received a cocoa-coated chocolate cake from Fugu-chan, he brought it to me in the morning. He said that he bought it on the lobby of the fanciest hotel in Ryogoku. LOL
It costs him a lot he said. LOL
The Master Chef is the one on the far right and thanks Fugu chan for taking the pic. LOL
Too bad, Kan-chan came late and Nii-chan did not come at all or maybe because I was gone already to bed... LOL
I wonder why I am not a strong drinker.
There are more pictures that depict the awesomeness but my iphone camera does not fit every single thing so this will do!!!
AGAIN, this is superb divine food that might envy your eyes, your tongue, your hands and your TUMMY.
I loveeeeeeeeeeeee FOOD! LOL
SO... happy reading !!!
Damn Awesome! The master chef,
We had all the salad lined up, the soy-paste, the yummiest slices of grilled beef, the super mouth-salivating soup and rice, it was just never ending party!
I told him that we should have this once per month but he said that the next time we have one it will be me (Indonesian food).
Geeze, making traditional food is NEVER easy.
Oh, before we started I made a starter it was Fried Chicken Mayonnaise. Everyone LOVED IT.
Then, I received a cocoa-coated chocolate cake from Fugu-chan, he brought it to me in the morning. He said that he bought it on the lobby of the fanciest hotel in Ryogoku. LOL
It costs him a lot he said. LOL
Too bad, Kan-chan came late and Nii-chan did not come at all or maybe because I was gone already to bed... LOL
I wonder why I am not a strong drinker.
AGAIN, this is superb divine food that might envy your eyes, your tongue, your hands and your TUMMY.
I loveeeeeeeeeeeee FOOD! LOL
SO... happy reading !!!