End of September already?
Who would HAVE thought, that it is nearing the end of September and it has been almost 2 months since I have started job hunting and the result is nil.
What ever it is, I am still here in Australia, kind of wishing to go back to see my friends in Japan.
But not to worry, Japan can come here LOL
One of my friends is coming from Ryougoku and starting his working holiday in Australia soon!
He is one of my dearest friends whom I often admire because of his looks. ha ha ha h aha ha h a
We call him 'midnight sugar', don't ask me why, but he has this charming look and made u not wanting to wander your eyes' off anywhere else.
He's like a kitty I must say.
Calm, submissive, loves to smile and laugh, not too crazy like most Japanese men I do know.
His skin is so white and he has 2 dimples, like, how rare is it to see a guy with 2 dimples nowadays? ha ha ha
Anyway, I am so excited to see him in the near future and hopefully he can improve his English and absorb as much experience as he can during his stay in Australia. (He's going to be in Queensland though... BOO !!)
He is definitely one of the 4 friends who accompanied me during the night when I was brokenhearted back in February.
He understood my whole situation and just stayed there by my side and even until now still cheering me on that 'it's not worth it to cry because it is not your fault.'
Mezurashii ne? :D That's why he's like my brother. He's definitely more mature than most of the men I know!! ha ha ha So glad, so glad... God's good bringing a few of those heart pieces to Australia.
Well, another good news is that son came to visit me from China. YEAY!!!!
He'll be starting his work soon and he brought me an expensive present: high quality black tea from China.

I was very touched and felt compelled to return his kindness but was rejected.
He said "you gave me geta, now I give you this".
Ladies, if you ever have male friends, make sure you keep the gentlemen near you.
I know I have lots, and usually, the not-so gentlemen ones back off by themselves and never show their noses in front of me ever again which is strange enough because I never swear at them, they are just gone from my life (maybe embarrassed?)
My son is definitely not the the ungrateful ones, but definitely one who treats the ladies good.
I will miss him tremendously when he leaves this week.. . . .... Thinking about it makes me cry.
But, I hope I will get to see my daughter in law soon. I wish him all the happiness, and definitely the love and warmth of a woman can give him, he deserves it.
What's more, he has realised why he's here on earth.
He believes that every single human being on earth has a real reason to live.
There is a purpose and he believes God has given one.
so GOD BLESS YOU my son.
Another update:
Around 2 weeks ago, I decided to enter a new church in Kingsford, like 20 minutes by bus.
Most of the church goers there are Indonesians but they are the 2nd generation in Australia, born or grew up in Australia just like me.
I received a very warm welcome and it was nerve-wrecking initially entering a new world, by yourself.
I have not made regular friends there but it will come with time, just like that exact time when I joined the church in Tokyo Suidoubashi.
No body talked to me in the beginning, but, who cares, I am there to listen to God's words.
I hope I will be able to serve the Lord with all my heart and contribute what I can to the church and to my surrounding.
More importantly, will always be forgiving to those who have hurt me, and to continually support through their extensive networks to reach the communities.
I will be going on their Spring Retreat 2011 to Merroo next week, OMG, it's so soon! ha ha ha ha
I know no one, but it's okay. (funny how I keep on reassuring myself)
Now, last photo.
I am always in love with 2 things and will never get bored of.
One: Oinarisan (I used to eat oinarisan everyday when I was in Japan from the 100 en shop).
Two: rirakkuma (this is like, pure cuteness)
Combined together: heaven.
With this photo, I end my blog.
PS: when I posted this on Facebook, I got 30 likes... LOL unbelievable.
Stay cute, stay true, be a wise-beautiful woman.
shuushokukatsudou ganbarimasu!!!
Who would HAVE thought, that it is nearing the end of September and it has been almost 2 months since I have started job hunting and the result is nil.
What ever it is, I am still here in Australia, kind of wishing to go back to see my friends in Japan.
But not to worry, Japan can come here LOL
One of my friends is coming from Ryougoku and starting his working holiday in Australia soon!
He is one of my dearest friends whom I often admire because of his looks. ha ha ha h aha ha h a
We call him 'midnight sugar', don't ask me why, but he has this charming look and made u not wanting to wander your eyes' off anywhere else.
He's like a kitty I must say.
Calm, submissive, loves to smile and laugh, not too crazy like most Japanese men I do know.
His skin is so white and he has 2 dimples, like, how rare is it to see a guy with 2 dimples nowadays? ha ha ha
Anyway, I am so excited to see him in the near future and hopefully he can improve his English and absorb as much experience as he can during his stay in Australia. (He's going to be in Queensland though... BOO !!)
He is definitely one of the 4 friends who accompanied me during the night when I was brokenhearted back in February.
He understood my whole situation and just stayed there by my side and even until now still cheering me on that 'it's not worth it to cry because it is not your fault.'
Mezurashii ne? :D That's why he's like my brother. He's definitely more mature than most of the men I know!! ha ha ha So glad, so glad... God's good bringing a few of those heart pieces to Australia.
Well, another good news is that son came to visit me from China. YEAY!!!!
He'll be starting his work soon and he brought me an expensive present: high quality black tea from China.
I was very touched and felt compelled to return his kindness but was rejected.
He said "you gave me geta, now I give you this".
Ladies, if you ever have male friends, make sure you keep the gentlemen near you.
I know I have lots, and usually, the not-so gentlemen ones back off by themselves and never show their noses in front of me ever again which is strange enough because I never swear at them, they are just gone from my life (maybe embarrassed?)
My son is definitely not the the ungrateful ones, but definitely one who treats the ladies good.
I will miss him tremendously when he leaves this week.. . . .... Thinking about it makes me cry.
But, I hope I will get to see my daughter in law soon. I wish him all the happiness, and definitely the love and warmth of a woman can give him, he deserves it.
What's more, he has realised why he's here on earth.
He believes that every single human being on earth has a real reason to live.
There is a purpose and he believes God has given one.
so GOD BLESS YOU my son.
Another update:
Around 2 weeks ago, I decided to enter a new church in Kingsford, like 20 minutes by bus.
Most of the church goers there are Indonesians but they are the 2nd generation in Australia, born or grew up in Australia just like me.
I received a very warm welcome and it was nerve-wrecking initially entering a new world, by yourself.
I have not made regular friends there but it will come with time, just like that exact time when I joined the church in Tokyo Suidoubashi.
No body talked to me in the beginning, but, who cares, I am there to listen to God's words.
I hope I will be able to serve the Lord with all my heart and contribute what I can to the church and to my surrounding.
More importantly, will always be forgiving to those who have hurt me, and to continually support through their extensive networks to reach the communities.
I will be going on their Spring Retreat 2011 to Merroo next week, OMG, it's so soon! ha ha ha ha
I know no one, but it's okay. (funny how I keep on reassuring myself)
Now, last photo.
I am always in love with 2 things and will never get bored of.
One: Oinarisan (I used to eat oinarisan everyday when I was in Japan from the 100 en shop).
Two: rirakkuma (this is like, pure cuteness)
Combined together: heaven.
With this photo, I end my blog.

Stay cute, stay true, be a wise-beautiful woman.
shuushokukatsudou ganbarimasu!!!