NEW YEAR and Others *Boink Boink Boink*
NEW YEAR, GoodBye Tiger YEAR----
Oh wow, it is 2011 ............................
again..... WOW.................................
I know, I am just very speechless, almost 1 year 3 months ago I was just getting ready to prepare myself departing to Japan
Almost 1 year ago, I was heartbroken by my best friend. LOL
Almost 1 year ago, I was travelling around Hokkaido with my sister LOL.
And now, all the past should just go in the past but reminiscing is as always fun to do.
You learned alot and may laugh by yourself for the things that you have done or regret of the things that you have not done.
But 2010 is 2010.
NOW .... ladies and gentlemen... is 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Celebrating New Year in Japan, is not the same as how I used to celebrate New Year in Sydney or in Jakarta.
Would you like to know a little glimpse of what Japanese people do during New Year?
Actually, what I did during New Year? he he he he he he h eh eeeee
1. Toshikoshi Soba
At 10:30 pm, all of us started eating this traditional new-year food.
Fugu-chan who came on the 29th (Wednesday) went shopping with me on the 30th to buy groceries for New Year food.
He made us (as traditional as he can get LOL) Toshikoshi Soba.
It was extremely delicious, surrounded with your friends and all this love and warmth during New Year.
The main ingredients: soba, onion sticks, kamaboko (japanese fish cake - can be expensive), dashi (stock).
And, sweet red beans.
The funny thing about this is that everybody was complaining how spicy the onion sticks are. LOL
I mean, I did not make it, but me too, I have never tasted any spicy onion sticks ever in my life. hahahahaha
I think it was a special memory, this onion stick actually burnt out my lips while other people have their throats or their taste glands hurting LOL.
Anyway, we laughed out lots and really just having fun. It felt like we're a tight knit family.
But guess what, it doesn't take long to have fun because we gotta move on to go to............
2. Asakusa's Sensoji Temple
At around 11:10, we departed to Asakusa's Sensoji Temple located in Asakusa.
Because I live in Ryogoku, it is not hard to reach because of the easy transportation that we had.
OH feel so blessed!
We took the Sobu Sen, transfer at Asakusa Bashi then continue to the Underground train via Asakusa Line and get off at Asakusa Station.
We could see all these people lining up to enter the temple to pray.
This picture above is when we were lining up before the Kaminari Mon (Lighting Gate).
The picture below is when we were lining up on the street, it was damn long!
But, you won't feel that sad and bored if you came with your friends....
We actually played the guessing game "How long will it take to get inside"
The person who answered the most incorrect will need to buy McDonalds for 7 of us.
Well, because it was asked by Fugu and since I was the one who Lost, I didn't get to buy any. LOL HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA (I know, love is fair afterall) hahahahaha
hahahahaha everyone loves the Peace mark ey?
And of course my buddy, Yaya....
Him and his nice skin, so jealous LOL
And finally, after waiting around 1 hour , we finally entered and passed through the gate and because it was such a nice night and thanks to Iphone too, I got to take picture of the temple and the pagoda.
So, as you all know, Japan is famous for obeying their rules and really, it did not take that long to reach to the main building to pray.
From this photo, we all have to stand behind this police line who carries that sign "Shibaraku Omachikudasai" which means "Please wait for a while".
So in Japan, when people celebrate Tanabata and watch fireworks (Like I did before), the policemen actually separate us into groups. They lined us up from the front and the back so it is not one continuous long group.
Cool huh? I don't think Indonesia can do this great job, it takes discipline! And the Japanese sure maintain discipline as their highest priority.
They work so hard, awww........ save your voice Mr.Policeman!
Anyway, as you can see from the map there on the picture, we have to divide ourselves, to the right or left. We chose the right LOL
If people flock to one side, there sure is long queue and the squashing, the squirming, the yelping, argh.... so it is very thoughtful and smart of them to break us up.
From this picture above, it is where you throw your coin, I donated 100 yen and prayed.
I didn't pray to the Temple's God, hahaha ssssssshhhhhhhh, I prayed to Jesus. LOL
People were squashing me from behind and I was with Fugu, our bodyguard and also Choi-san.
Him, being so thin, Fugu gotta pull him out *LITERALLY pulled him out* hahahahahaha.
So, after you pray, there are these booths where they sell charms, some can go up to 3000 yen and more.
I did not buy any, full stop. I believe no body knows what their destiny is, so why bother reading and buying them. But you know, that's what I think, but if you buy them, there's nothing wrong, they're made with care and of course I believe, with love.
NOW...... after you pray, buy the charms, you go downstairs and this is where the party begins LOL
There are so many food stalls, souvenir shops etc. I only visited 3 stalls though.

Firstly, I went to this shop. I think they're rice cakes but have fillings.
I got the pickled cabbage and Fugu bought the rice cake with red beans inside.
Others have pork meat and usually they're the best because, pork, well... pork, tasty... LOL
They cost around 150 yen I think?
Nevertheless, it is yummy and best eaten hot hot hot hot hot....
Ouw, this is the sweet-sake stall. It is sweet and again HOT sake.
It is actually a brewed alcohol and since you know sake is rice wine, you can still see the rice inside.
I didn't get to drink the whole cup because I am very alcohol intolerant. Fugu as always, reminded me not to drink too much. But yeah.... you guys have got to try this.
They are usually available around temples and especially in Winter. Unfortunately, since I was not the one who bought this, I do not know the price.... *sad face* hehehe
Last but not least, CHOCOLATE BANANA!!!
Fugu bought this for me, i chose pink! hahaha
I was lucky enough to choose pink because of the gambling thing.... LOL
I mean it is that hectagon box that you spin once and it will flop out this tiny ball.
I don't know what they mean but I got a white ball which means I can get to choose any 1 of choco banana not restricted to any colour. So I chose.. PINK. :D
So if you got a red ball I guess you have to pick the pink choco banana etc.
Now, moving on!!! We left Asakusa around 2 AM and thanks God the Sobu Line and the subway haven't stopped!
We barely managed to get on to the Sobu Line, it was like running up the stairs and huffing puffing all the way through.
But it was a good workout as always. LOL
Back to Oakhouse, we were dead tired hahahahahahahahahahha and Fugu, being a man of planner already installed a plan for all of us.
Because another surprise is waiting for us.
3. Zenzai
Fugu, made this for us. It is baked Omochi (rice cake) and serve hot in sweet red beans.
It was really cold outside and being served this warm traditional Japanese sweet dessert really made our New Year awesome!!!
I only ate one piece but the boys at least at 2-3. It was very filling because it's rice.
Thank you Fugu for this nice memory.
Then because it was around 3 AM, we all fell asleep except Fugu-chan because I don't know, he is as always energetic no matter what time LOL
This next journey is absolutely gotta be the most memorable and tiring out of all the new year activities that we did.
4. Hatsuhinode
After around 1.5 hours of sleeping on the sofa, I heard Yaya gave up. He chose to sleep because he had to work so he missed out on Hatsuhinode.
WHAT IS HATSUHINODE if you may ask.
It is actually the "FIRST DAY" of new year or "FIRSTS" of everything.
Well, we actually ( now only 6 of us) since Yaya pulled out, went to this area near Haneda Airport (It's newly opened you know :P) to watch the FIRST SUNRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It took a while to get there.
First, we rode on the Sobu-Sen, changed to Yamanote then change again to a Monorail where you can see Odaiba.
This was all around 5 am in the morning OMG, I had no energy at that time. Too tired!
No energy to talk, to laugh and just want to sleep LOL
We were walking from the station around almost 1 hour oh my God. It was a combination of running, walking, more fast walking and sprinting LOL
But it all worth it.
Because, here you go.........................................................................................................

Pure sunshine............... Breathtaking.
After that, it was all picture time. The pictures can explain themselves to you. LOL
Jumping and reaching, face yourself Towards the Sun, don't get blind though LOL
Everyone jumping welcoming the new Year, i failed at jumping ugh. LOL
Us.... Fugu-Tantan-Chef-Park-Me ....
U can see I was wearing 2 shawls/scarves, it was damn freezing, near the BEACH! ARGH....
Me and fugu.... Love towards the future. I hope he feels the same way too. :)
SO afterwards, we head back home and I was just dead tired I couldn't talk to anyone or even to Fugu. haha
We saw some drag racers chased down by this ONE petite Japanese police car and there were almost 30 drag racer cars,... COME ON.. -_-
It was during the time we were waiting at the bus stop to go back to Ryogoku.
So, when we head back, we stopped by at Sukiya and everyone was eating quietly LOL hahahahahahaha
We were dead tired, practically wanted to sleep and as you all can guess everyone went back to their rooms and slept, except me and Fugu...............................
Our story did not end with sleeping.
5. Fukubukuro
What is fukubukuro? Now now, I do not have any pictures for this but let me simply explain it to you.
It is this shopping bag where you do not know what is inside.
Usually there is a price range from 1000 yen usually the cheapest with goodies that are normally 3000 yen, 2000 yen with goodies usually at the price of 4000-5000 yen, if the bag is 3000 usually they are around 5000 yen or up, if it is 10000 yen usually the goodies are 30 000 yen in normal price etc.
But usually you do not know what is inside but some stores actually show the display what they have inside so you know what you are buying and not wasting your money.
I shopped with Fugu at Kinshicho's Arckit.
We head on with our guns (money :P) and lined up at 10.15 am, haha the mall opened at 10.45 am and yeah, EVERYBODY was lining up neatly. LOL
This is my first time and also fugu's first time after 7 years living abroad. It was kind of exhilarating and exciting!!!!!!!!!!
Fugu said "THIS IS WAR" hahahaha
I guess it is true! lol
I got 3 bags and Fugu got one. I am glad we got what we wanted and we both went back and I ate my favourite o-Inari sushi and just went to sleep.
It had been an awesome 6 days with everyone and an unforgettable New Year.
I still have some more updating to do because on the Sunday, which is the 2nd, I went on a date with Fugu-chan.
I'd like to write some stuff on the date, not to make you feel jealous but to inform you about Japanese zoos. LOL and some other Japanese food and culture.
Thank you so much for reading my blog, I hope it does not bore any of you.
And lastly, I would like to wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR again.
God bless you. Open this New Year with a bright smile, positive attitude and GIVE LOVE and Forgiveness.
Sasa + "Fugu"
NEW YEAR, GoodBye Tiger YEAR----
again..... WOW.................................
I know, I am just very speechless, almost 1 year 3 months ago I was just getting ready to prepare myself departing to Japan
Almost 1 year ago, I was heartbroken by my best friend. LOL
Almost 1 year ago, I was travelling around Hokkaido with my sister LOL.
And now, all the past should just go in the past but reminiscing is as always fun to do.
You learned alot and may laugh by yourself for the things that you have done or regret of the things that you have not done.
But 2010 is 2010.
NOW .... ladies and gentlemen... is 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Celebrating New Year in Japan, is not the same as how I used to celebrate New Year in Sydney or in Jakarta.
Would you like to know a little glimpse of what Japanese people do during New Year?
Actually, what I did during New Year? he he he he he he h eh eeeee
1. Toshikoshi Soba
Fugu-chan who came on the 29th (Wednesday) went shopping with me on the 30th to buy groceries for New Year food.
He made us (as traditional as he can get LOL) Toshikoshi Soba.
It was extremely delicious, surrounded with your friends and all this love and warmth during New Year.
The main ingredients: soba, onion sticks, kamaboko (japanese fish cake - can be expensive), dashi (stock).
And, sweet red beans.
The funny thing about this is that everybody was complaining how spicy the onion sticks are. LOL
I mean, I did not make it, but me too, I have never tasted any spicy onion sticks ever in my life. hahahahaha
I think it was a special memory, this onion stick actually burnt out my lips while other people have their throats or their taste glands hurting LOL.
Anyway, we laughed out lots and really just having fun. It felt like we're a tight knit family.
But guess what, it doesn't take long to have fun because we gotta move on to go to............
2. Asakusa's Sensoji Temple
Because I live in Ryogoku, it is not hard to reach because of the easy transportation that we had.
OH feel so blessed!
We took the Sobu Sen, transfer at Asakusa Bashi then continue to the Underground train via Asakusa Line and get off at Asakusa Station.
We could see all these people lining up to enter the temple to pray.
The picture below is when we were lining up on the street, it was damn long!
We actually played the guessing game "How long will it take to get inside"
The person who answered the most incorrect will need to buy McDonalds for 7 of us.
Well, because it was asked by Fugu and since I was the one who Lost, I didn't get to buy any. LOL HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA (I know, love is fair afterall) hahahahaha
And of course my buddy, Yaya....
And finally, after waiting around 1 hour , we finally entered and passed through the gate and because it was such a nice night and thanks to Iphone too, I got to take picture of the temple and the pagoda.
So in Japan, when people celebrate Tanabata and watch fireworks (Like I did before), the policemen actually separate us into groups. They lined us up from the front and the back so it is not one continuous long group.
Cool huh? I don't think Indonesia can do this great job, it takes discipline! And the Japanese sure maintain discipline as their highest priority.
Anyway, as you can see from the map there on the picture, we have to divide ourselves, to the right or left. We chose the right LOL
If people flock to one side, there sure is long queue and the squashing, the squirming, the yelping, argh.... so it is very thoughtful and smart of them to break us up.
I didn't pray to the Temple's God, hahaha ssssssshhhhhhhh, I prayed to Jesus. LOL
People were squashing me from behind and I was with Fugu, our bodyguard and also Choi-san.
Him, being so thin, Fugu gotta pull him out *LITERALLY pulled him out* hahahahahaha.
So, after you pray, there are these booths where they sell charms, some can go up to 3000 yen and more.
I did not buy any, full stop. I believe no body knows what their destiny is, so why bother reading and buying them. But you know, that's what I think, but if you buy them, there's nothing wrong, they're made with care and of course I believe, with love.
There are so many food stalls, souvenir shops etc. I only visited 3 stalls though.
Firstly, I went to this shop. I think they're rice cakes but have fillings.
I got the pickled cabbage and Fugu bought the rice cake with red beans inside.
Others have pork meat and usually they're the best because, pork, well... pork, tasty... LOL
They cost around 150 yen I think?
Nevertheless, it is yummy and best eaten hot hot hot hot hot....
It is actually a brewed alcohol and since you know sake is rice wine, you can still see the rice inside.
I didn't get to drink the whole cup because I am very alcohol intolerant. Fugu as always, reminded me not to drink too much. But yeah.... you guys have got to try this.
They are usually available around temples and especially in Winter. Unfortunately, since I was not the one who bought this, I do not know the price.... *sad face* hehehe
Fugu bought this for me, i chose pink! hahaha
I was lucky enough to choose pink because of the gambling thing.... LOL
I mean it is that hectagon box that you spin once and it will flop out this tiny ball.
I don't know what they mean but I got a white ball which means I can get to choose any 1 of choco banana not restricted to any colour. So I chose.. PINK. :D
So if you got a red ball I guess you have to pick the pink choco banana etc.
Now, moving on!!! We left Asakusa around 2 AM and thanks God the Sobu Line and the subway haven't stopped!
We barely managed to get on to the Sobu Line, it was like running up the stairs and huffing puffing all the way through.
But it was a good workout as always. LOL
Back to Oakhouse, we were dead tired hahahahahahahahahahha and Fugu, being a man of planner already installed a plan for all of us.
Because another surprise is waiting for us.
3. Zenzai
Fugu, made this for us. It is baked Omochi (rice cake) and serve hot in sweet red beans.
It was really cold outside and being served this warm traditional Japanese sweet dessert really made our New Year awesome!!!
I only ate one piece but the boys at least at 2-3. It was very filling because it's rice.
Thank you Fugu for this nice memory.
Then because it was around 3 AM, we all fell asleep except Fugu-chan because I don't know, he is as always energetic no matter what time LOL
This next journey is absolutely gotta be the most memorable and tiring out of all the new year activities that we did.
4. Hatsuhinode
After around 1.5 hours of sleeping on the sofa, I heard Yaya gave up. He chose to sleep because he had to work so he missed out on Hatsuhinode.
WHAT IS HATSUHINODE if you may ask.
It is actually the "FIRST DAY" of new year or "FIRSTS" of everything.
Well, we actually ( now only 6 of us) since Yaya pulled out, went to this area near Haneda Airport (It's newly opened you know :P) to watch the FIRST SUNRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It took a while to get there.
First, we rode on the Sobu-Sen, changed to Yamanote then change again to a Monorail where you can see Odaiba.
This was all around 5 am in the morning OMG, I had no energy at that time. Too tired!
No energy to talk, to laugh and just want to sleep LOL
We were walking from the station around almost 1 hour oh my God. It was a combination of running, walking, more fast walking and sprinting LOL
But it all worth it.
Because, here you go.........................................................................................................
Pure sunshine............... Breathtaking.
After that, it was all picture time. The pictures can explain themselves to you. LOL
U can see I was wearing 2 shawls/scarves, it was damn freezing, near the BEACH! ARGH....
SO afterwards, we head back home and I was just dead tired I couldn't talk to anyone or even to Fugu. haha
We saw some drag racers chased down by this ONE petite Japanese police car and there were almost 30 drag racer cars,... COME ON.. -_-
It was during the time we were waiting at the bus stop to go back to Ryogoku.
So, when we head back, we stopped by at Sukiya and everyone was eating quietly LOL hahahahahahaha
We were dead tired, practically wanted to sleep and as you all can guess everyone went back to their rooms and slept, except me and Fugu...............................
Our story did not end with sleeping.
5. Fukubukuro
What is fukubukuro? Now now, I do not have any pictures for this but let me simply explain it to you.
It is this shopping bag where you do not know what is inside.
Usually there is a price range from 1000 yen usually the cheapest with goodies that are normally 3000 yen, 2000 yen with goodies usually at the price of 4000-5000 yen, if the bag is 3000 usually they are around 5000 yen or up, if it is 10000 yen usually the goodies are 30 000 yen in normal price etc.
But usually you do not know what is inside but some stores actually show the display what they have inside so you know what you are buying and not wasting your money.
I shopped with Fugu at Kinshicho's Arckit.
We head on with our guns (money :P) and lined up at 10.15 am, haha the mall opened at 10.45 am and yeah, EVERYBODY was lining up neatly. LOL
This is my first time and also fugu's first time after 7 years living abroad. It was kind of exhilarating and exciting!!!!!!!!!!
Fugu said "THIS IS WAR" hahahaha
I guess it is true! lol
I got 3 bags and Fugu got one. I am glad we got what we wanted and we both went back and I ate my favourite o-Inari sushi and just went to sleep.
It had been an awesome 6 days with everyone and an unforgettable New Year.
I still have some more updating to do because on the Sunday, which is the 2nd, I went on a date with Fugu-chan.
I'd like to write some stuff on the date, not to make you feel jealous but to inform you about Japanese zoos. LOL and some other Japanese food and culture.
Thank you so much for reading my blog, I hope it does not bore any of you.
And lastly, I would like to wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR again.
God bless you. Open this New Year with a bright smile, positive attitude and GIVE LOVE and Forgiveness.
Sasa + "Fugu"